Friday, July 17, 2009

Uncle William has a farm..eieio!

*Happy Birthday Will and MarySelle*

*Kiss this fish*

*Run, Run, Run*

*Sweet MarySelle*

Hello People!!! It's been awhile! We've been settling back in after our trip southeast. We've had swim practice and dental visits and pto stuff. You get the picture, right? Ok. So, I've tried to figure out how to post on my trip. I could just post all the pics, but I find that a tad boring. I think I'm going to try and do several little entries on a few of our jaunts while down in the deep south. I hope you find them as amusing and fun as they actually were!

Here goes....

Will and my niece MarySelle share a birthday. My sister in law Terri and I thought it would be fun to celebrate together, although it was after their actual special day. So we planned a day at their house.
Let me give you a little background. My brother William and his wife Terri teach Ag at the local high school. This involves all kinds of things that I'm so unfamiliar with, one of which is raising and showing sheep. They had some of these creatures at the high school, which is just down the road from their house. We just HAD to go see us some sheep! Off we go! My mother, aka. Mimi, my four city kids, and my brother's family head on over to the high school for some sheep schoolin'!

Oh My, did we have some fun. And we learned so much.
Such as...
Sheep poop little brown balls on the ground. Everywhere!

Sheep actually say BAAAAA! (This fact confirmed by Will by squatting in front of the sheep and encouraging her by yelling, "Say Baaaa! Say BAAAA, sheep!!")
Chickens can run very fast!

Uncle William has found the perfect job for himself!
Mae wishes she could live with Uncle William!

Then we all headed on over to Uncle William and Aunt Terri's house for some good ol' birthday party fun! My sister Selle, niece Elizabeth, and my friend Lisa and her two kids met us there. We jumped on the trampoline, we played with dogs...that live in the country...there's a big difference if you didn't already know this, and we fished!

Oh Boy, did we fish. We had some bait, but we really didn't need any. As soon as the hook was placed in the water a fish jumped up to bite it. Now, these were little tiny fish, but the kids didn't care. I think we caught about 70 all together. It was crazy fun!

After fishing we had birthday cake, popsicles and watermelon because what's a day in the country without some watermelon!

William, Terri, and their girls live in the perfect most beautiful spot. Their house is just perfect sitting amidst soft rolling hills and beautiful natural landscaping. The field behind their home that leads to the pond is overflowing with gorgeous wildflowers. It was a glorious setting for the perfect day.

Thank you Uncle William, Aunt Terri, Conlee and MarySelle! We had a blast!!!


Katie said...

it sounds like you are super busy this month before school starts, glad you had a fun trip. my kids are in illinois now and i'm leaving tomorrow for 2 full weeks. isn't it fun going "home" and visiting everyone? we'll be home just in time for school~ see you then!

i'll have to introduce you to my twin next time she's in town..... you'd defentitely be able to tell us apart :-)

Gesch Family said...

Can't wait to read more about all of your adventures down south! Sounds like the birthday day was a lot of fun! So great that Will shares his special day with his cousin!